This Data Processing Notice contains how the Hotel Pannonia hotel, the operator Collovini Kft., uses and protects your personal data. Collovini Kft. is the data controller of the personal data that our guests or future guests make available to us when they use the website, as well as in the case of other groups of persons who are identified as guests in this Statement and who contact us through various channels and business contacts and our colleagues.

In the course of its business activities, Collovini Kft. requests, acquires and processes personal data from guests, future guests, business partners, colleagues and other persons. Our aim is to process as little personal data as possible in order to provide the appropriate service. We acknowledge and respect the legal rights and reasonable expectations of natural persons regarding their personal data and data protection.

This Data Management Notice explains how we ensure the protection of personal data. Several of the principles we follow originate from the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). At the same time, we comply with all applicable legal requirements regarding the protection of personal data and privacy.

We have used our best efforts to prepare this Data Management Notice in an easy-to-use and understandable form, within the limitations of the complexity of the information to be communicated. If you have any questions about the content of this Privacy Statement, or if you have comments or suggestions about how we can improve the Privacy Statement, please contact us at the following contact details:

Privacy officer: Gabriella Szabó

e-mail address:

You can navigate in this Privacy Statement by clicking on individual points in the table of contents below.

Table of contents

1) The legal rights of natural persons (“data subjects”) pursuant to the GDPR

1.1 Transparent information

1.2 Access to own data

1.3 Correction of inaccurate data

1.4 Right to deletion (forgetting).

1.5 Withdrawal of consent

1.6 Request for restriction of data management

1.7 Objection to data processing

1.8 Do not be subject to an automated decision

1.9 Data portability

1.10 To file a complaint with the “Supervisory Authority”.

1.11 The right to an effective judicial remedy against a data controller or data processor

1.12 Contact Collovini Kft regarding the GDPR

2) Data processing

2.1 Room reservation

2.2 Registration form

2.3 Guest questionnaire and evaluation system

2.4 Camera system

2.5 Social portals (e.g. Facebook, Instagram) face

2.6 Contact

2.7 Complaint handling protocol

2.8 Automatically recorded data, cookies and “remarketing codes”

2.9.1 Automatically recorded data

2.9.2.Cookies and similar technologies.

2.9.3. References and links

2.10 Personnel

2.11 Business relationship

3) Legal references (including contact details)

4) Terms and abbreviations used in this Privacy Statement:

  1. 1. The legal rights of natural persons (“data subjects”) pursuant to the GDPR

According to the GDPR, “data subjects” are natural persons living anywhere who are in contact with a “data controller” in the EU, or natural persons living within the EU who are in contact with a data controller outside the EU. The “data controller” is the legal entity that determines the way personal data is handled. “Personal data” is any data that can be linked to the data subject.
Pursuant to the GDPR, data subjects have the following unique rights:

a) Transparent information
b) Access to own data
c) Correction of inaccurate data
d) Right to deletion (forgetting).
e) Withdrawal of consent
f) Requesting the restriction of data processing
g) Objection to data processing
h) Do not be subject to an automated decision
i) Data portability
j) To file a complaint with the “Supervisory Authority”.
k) The right to an effective judicial remedy against a data controller or data processor

This Privacy Statement applies to all of these rights. We will respond to your request under any of these rights without undue delay, but within one month at most, and we will do our best to resolve even complex cases within three months. We will deliver the answer to you electronically or by any other means requested by you. We do not charge a fee for the first request, but we reserve the right to charge an administrative fee for handling a request that is repeated within a year, or for a clearly unfounded or excessive request.
Attention! In order to process your request, we need to verify your identity.

If we believe that it is not necessary for us to act on your request, we will inform you in writing of the reason for our decision, as well as the legal remedies available to you.

Apart from these rights, if you believe that Collovini Kft. has acted improperly in relation to your personal data or the protection of your data, please contact us so that we can remedy the situation and improve our service to our guests. You can make an official complaint by e-mail or by post at the contact details listed in point 1.12. “Contact Collovini Kft. regarding the GDPR”.

We will try to answer you without undue delay, within one month at the latest.

1.1 Transparent information

We provide all the information required by the GDPR in a concise, transparent, understandable and easily accessible form, clearly and comprehensibly formulated. Information is provided in writing or electronically. We can also provide verbal information at your request.
We help you exercise your rights as described in point 1 below.

You can find our email and postal contact details in point 1.12 “Contact Collovini Kft. regarding the GDPR” below.
1.2 Access to own data
You have the right to request confirmation from Hotel Pannonia as to whether we are processing personal data about you and, if so, to request access to the data and the following information:
a) Purpose of data processing
b) the categories of the personal data concerned;
c) Recipients to whom we have disclosed or will disclose personal data, with particular regard to recipients located in non-EU member states
d) period for which personal data will be stored
e) That you have the right to ask us to correct or delete your personal data, or to limit the processing of your personal data, or to object to this processing
f) That you have the right to file a complaint with the Supervisory Authority
g) If we do not collect personal data directly from you, the source of this data
h) Whether automated decision-making has taken place based on the data and, if so, the logic used and understandable information about the significance of such data processing and the expected consequences for you
i) If we transfer your personal data to a country outside the EU, we provide you with adequate guarantees protecting your rights

1.3 Correction of inaccurate data
If we store inaccurate or incomplete personal data about you, we will correct them without undue delay after receiving your request.
1.4 Right to deletion (forgetting).
You have the right to delete your personal data and to ask us to fulfill your request without undue delay if one of the following reasons exists:
a) Your personal data is no longer needed in connection with the original purposes of data processing
b) You have withdrawn your consent and thus we no longer have a legal basis for processing the data
c) The legality of data processing is based on our legitimate interests, and you claim that there is no legitimate reason for data processing that takes precedence over your interests, rights and freedoms
d) The purpose of data processing is direct business acquisition, and you object to this
e) We handled your data illegally
f) Your data must be deleted in order to fulfill the legal obligation required by EU or member state law that applies to us
Attention! We cannot delete your personal data if data processing is necessary for the following reasons:
a) for exercising the right of freedom of expression and information;
b) fulfillment of the legal obligation requiring the processing of personal data;
c) on the basis of public interest in the field of public health;
d) for the purpose of archiving in the public interest, for scientific and historical research purposes or for statistical purposes, if such a request would likely make this data processing impossible or seriously jeopardize it; or
e) for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.
Your data will temporarily remain as a backup copy after this deletion, but with the help of IT security techniques, we ensure that these copies can only be accessed for the purpose of restoring the database in the event of data loss, and that they cannot be copied in order to reveal the data. Backups are destroyed on a rotating basis within [12 MONTHS].

1.5 Withdrawal of consent
If you have given your consent to our data processing, you can withdraw your consent at any time. You can do this by sending your request to the e-mail address specified in the appropriate section of Chapter 2 (Activities), which chapter lists the activities for which we process personal data. Alternatively, you can also write to us at the address specified in point 1.11 below.
Attention: withdrawing your consent does not affect the data processing we have already carried out.
1.6 Request for restriction of data management
You can request that Collovini Kft. limit the processing of your personal data if one of the following is true:
You dispute the accuracy of your personal data
The data processing carried out by us is unlawful, but you oppose the deletion of the data and instead request the restriction of its use
We no longer need the personal data for the original purpose, but you require them to submit, enforce or defend legal claims
You object to our data processing on the basis that we named our “legitimate interests” as a legal basis, but you claim that your “interests, rights and freedoms” take precedence over them.
If data processing is restricted based on your objection, such personal data may only be processed with your consent, with the exception of storage, or:
a) to present, enforce and defend legal claims
b) in order to protect the rights of another person, or
c) in the important public interest of the Union or a member state.
In the case of restrictions on data processing, we will inform you in advance about the lifting of this restriction.
Practical operational considerations may prevent us from limiting data processing exactly as required by the GDPR, but in such cases we will try to find a satisfactory solution in cooperation with you.

1.7 Objection to data processing
You have the right to object to our processing of your personal data if:
Our own “legitimate interests” serve as the basis for the legality of data processing, but you claim that your “interests, rights and freedoms” take precedence over them
We process your data for direct business acquisition, including profiling, if it is related to direct business acquisition. (Profiling is automated decision-making in which characteristics related to the economic situation, personal preferences or location are analyzed or predicted.) In the event of such an objection, we can no longer process your personal data for the aforementioned purposes.

1.8 Do not be subject to an automated decision
You have the right not to be subject to the scope of a decision based solely on automated data processing that would have legal effects on you or would similarly significantly affect you.
However, this does not apply if:
a) the decision is necessary in order to conclude or fulfill the existing contract between you and us, or
b) the automated process is made possible by EU or member state law that also establishes appropriate measures to protect your rights and freedoms as well as your legitimate interests.
In case a), we must implement appropriate measures to protect your rights, freedoms and legitimate interests, including at least your right to request human intervention on our part, to express your point of view and to submit an objection to the decision.

1.9 Data portability
Pursuant to the GDPR, the data subject is entitled, under certain circumstances, to receive their personal data in a “segmented, widely used, machine-readable format”. The data subject is also entitled to have the data transmitted directly between the data controllers if this is technically feasible.
If, based on the aforementioned point 1.2, you request access to your personal data, we will generally provide these to you in a widely used electronic format, unless you specifically request that we send you the data in written form.

1.10 To file a complaint with the “Supervisory Authority”.
If you believe that we have acted unfairly or unlawfully towards you in accordance with the GDPR, you can lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Supervisory Authority. If you live not in Hungary, but in another EU member state, you have the right to file a complaint with the Supervisory Authority of the country concerned. You can find the name and contact information of the data protection authorities at the following link:
If you live in Hungary or in a country outside the EU, you can file a complaint with the Hungarian authorities:
National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information
H-1125 Budapest, Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 22/C.
Postal address: 1530 Budapest, Pf.: 5.
Phone: +36-1-391-1400
Fax: +36-1-391-1410
English e-mail address:
Hungarian e-mail address:

1.11 The right to an effective judicial remedy against a data controller or data processor
If, in your opinion, your rights under the GDPR have been violated as a result of the processing of your personal data not complying with the GDPR, you are entitled to an effective judicial remedy.
Proceedings against a data controller or a data processor shall be brought before the courts of the Member State where the data controller or data processor has an establishment Such proceedings can also be initiated before the court of the EU member state of your habitual residence.
In Hungary, the adjudication of the lawsuit falls within the jurisdiction of the tribunal. At the discretion of the data subject, the lawsuit can also be initiated before the court of the data subject’s place of residence or whereabouts. A person who otherwise does not have legal capacity can be a party to the lawsuit. The Authority can intervene in the lawsuit in order to win the case for the data subject.
In addition to the provisions of the GDPR, the Civil Code of 2013 (Act V) Second Book, Third Part, Chapter XII (Sections 2:51 to 2:54), as well as other legal regulations concerning judicial proceedings shall apply to the court proceedings.

1.12 Contact Collovini Kft regarding the GDPR
In order to exercise the rights described above, or in the case of a complaint addressed directly to Collovini Kft., or in the case of a general inquiry related to the GDPR or data protection, the email address and correspondence address required for contact are as follows:
E-mail address:
Postal address: Collovini Kft. 3525 Miskolc, Kossuth u. 2.
2) Data processing
2.1 Room reservation
In the case of a room reservation made online, in person at the hotel or by telephone, we may request one or even all of the following personal data:
Full name
Place and date of birth
Place of residence
Arrival day
Day of departure
Number of adults in one room
Room type
The service package you want to use
E-mail address
Full mail address
Arrival time
Comments – here you can enter any preferences you may have
Purpose of data processing:
The purpose of our data collection is to be able to identify the guest who made the reservation, to hand over the room to the right person upon check-in, and to keep a record of the payment instrument, which can be used to avoid the associated financial risk if the guest ultimately does not check in to the hotel. We use your email address in the exceptional case that we need to notify you of a change to your booking or three days after your departure to let us know your comments about your stay in order to provide you and other guests with an even better service on subsequent visits.
Legal basis of the data processing:
The basis of the legality of data processing is that we need these data to fulfill a contract for room reservations. We process your email address in order to be able to send you an email after your stay, as “data management is necessary to enforce the legitimate interests of the data controller, unless the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject take precedence over these interests”. In this case, our legitimate interests include providing a high-quality service, and we believe that email sent after your stay does not violate your fundamental rights.
If you do not provide the requested information, we will not be able to reserve a room for you or contact you in the event of a problem.
Data processing time:
We store personal data at the level of individual data fields, not at the level of all data relating to a given guest. For example, it may happen that we keep your name and the date of login for longer than your email address. Data processed in order to provide the services will be kept for 2-8 years, depending on the data.
In some cases, we have a legal obligation to keep personal data for a longer period of time. The main categories are:
If the data is needed for issuing invoices or other tax records, we are legally obliged to keep the data for 8 years from the end of the calendar year. Therefore, if we issue you the invoice when you check out on June 30, 2018, we must keep the data until December 31, 2026.
The hotel has a legal obligation to report all checking-in guests to the local authority, and to the police all guests arriving from outside the EU. It is our legal obligation to keep the data contained in these reports for 6 years from the date of registration.
We will delete the data after the longest period of the mentioned relevant data retention periods.
If you wish to exercise any of your rights contained in point 1 in relation to the data collected during the above periods, or if you wish to contact us for any other reason in relation to the above, please let us know by sending an e-mail to the address
2.2 Registration form
Scope of data and legal basis for data processing:
Mandatory personal data (Providing these data by the Guest is a condition for using the hotel service):
The processing of the following data is a legal obligation, e.g.: first name, last name, mother’s name, place of birth, time, address, billing data;
In order to fulfill the requested service (on the basis of the contract), we also process e.g.: contact details, payment method, room number, number of guests
On the basis of Collovini Kft.’s legitimate interest in the development of services, we process your name and e-mail address for 3 days after your departure in order to ask your opinion about our services and thereby improve them.
Purpose of data processing:
Provision of hotel services, including contact and service development.
Data processing time:
We store personal data at the level of individual data fields, not at the level of all data relating to a given guest. For example, we may keep your name and login date longer than your email address. Data processed in order to provide the services will be kept for 2-8 years, depending on the data.
In some cases, we have a legal obligation to keep personal data for a longer period of time. The main categories are:
If the data is needed for issuing invoices or other tax records, we are legally obliged to keep the data for 8 years from the end of the calendar year. Therefore, if we issue you the invoice when you check out on June 30, 2018, we must keep the data until December 31, 2026.
The hotel has a legal obligation to report all checking-in guests to the local authority, and to the police all guests arriving from outside the EU. It is our legal obligation to keep the data contained in these reports for 6 years from the date of registration.
If you wish to exercise any of your rights contained in point 1 in relation to the data collected during the above periods, or if you wish to contact us for any other reason in relation to the above, please let us know by sending an e-mail to the address
2.3 Guest questionnaire and evaluation system
As part of the company’s quality assurance process, Collovini Kft. allows guests to give their opinion on the hotel’s services by means of an e-mail and paper-based guest questionnaire, or with the help of the evaluation system. When filling out the questionnaire, you can provide the following personal data:
Date of visit
Room number
Contact (address, e-mail address, phone number, home address)
Entering the data is not mandatory, it only serves to accurately investigate possible complaints and to ensure a response.
Collovini Kft. may also use the opinions received in this way and any related data that cannot be traced back to the given Guest and cannot be linked to the Guest’s name.
If you give us your opinion anonymously, we do not process personal data. If you request feedback from us, our employee will contact you at one of the contact details provided (email, address, phone number) within 30 days at the latest.
Purpose of data processing:
Contact with the reviewer and complaint handling.
Legal basis of the data processing:
Your presumed voluntary consent. We would like to inform you that if you do not consent to the processing of your data or withdraw your consent, we will not be able to answer your question. Withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawful data processing prior to it.
Data processing time:
The messages and the personal data received in this way will be deleted one year after the request, question or complaint has been answered. The e-mail address and username provided for the use of the evaluation system will be deleted upon your request.
If you wish to exercise any of your rights contained in point 1 in relation to the data provided in this way, or if you wish to contact us for any other reason in connection with the above data processing, please let us know by sending an e-mail to the address
2.4 Camera system
Hotel Pannonia has cameras operated by Collovini Kft. in the entire area – which record and store images – for the personal and property safety of the Guests. Camera surveillance is indicated by the pictogram and warning text at the entrance of the hotel.
Purpose of data processing:
The purpose of camera surveillance is the protection of property, i.e. the protection of assets representing significant values and the personal values of the Guests, given that the detection of violations, the prosecution of the perpetrator, and the prevention of these illegal acts are not possible in any other way, and their proof cannot be achieved by any other method.
Legal basis of the data processing:
The legal basis for this data management is your voluntary consent. If you enter the monitored area of the Hotel Pannonia despite the warning posted at the entrance, you are deemed to have given your consent to take pictures. Please do not enter if you do not wish to consent to this.
You can get more information about the data processing related to the camera system from the Front Office (Reception) staff at the Hotel Pannonia. We will forward the data processing information of the camera system to you upon your request. Please indicate your request by e-mail to or by letter to the postal address of the hotel.
2.5 Social portals (e.g. Facebook, Instagram)
Hotel Pannonia, operated by Collovini Kft., is available on the social portal Facebook and Instagram. On Facebook, users can subscribe to a news feed posted on the message board by clicking the “like” or “follow” link on the respective page. To unsubscribe, they can click the “dislike” or “unfollow” link found in the same place. Alternatively, users can delete unwanted news appearing on the message board by adjusting their message board settings. The Company has access to the profile of the “followers”, but does not record or process it in its own internal system.
Purpose of data processing:
Sharing the contents of the website of Hotel Pannonia operated by Collovini Kft., communicating other news and promotions, maintaining contact.
Legal basis of the data processing:
Your voluntary consent, which you can withdraw at any time by unsubscribing. Withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawful data processing prior to it. In case of withdrawal, you will not receive a notification about our news feed, our news will not appear on your news feed, but you will still have access to the news feed, since our site is public.

Data processing time:
Data processing lasts until you unsubscribe.
Data will not be forwarded or a data processor will not be used.
Facebook and Instagram are separate data controllers independent of us. You can get information about the data processing of the site from the data protection guidelines and regulations on the Facebook website at the following links:
You can get information about Instagram’s data processing at the following link:
The Company also publishes pictures/films of various events/hotel/fitness club/restaurant etc. on its Facebook page. If it is not a mass photograph, the Company always asks for the written consent of the person concerned before publishing the images.
If you wish to exercise any of your rights contained in point 1 in relation to the data provided in this way, or if you wish to contact us for any other reason in connection with the above data processing, please let us know by sending an e-mail to the address
2.6 Contact
You can contact us at any of our contact points (e-mail, via Facebook, phone, mail, or via the forms created for this purpose (e.g. request for a quote)). In such a case, we assume your consent to the processing of the personal data shared with us.
Purpose of data processing:
Maintaining contact with the requester and answering or solving the question/request.
Legal basis of the data processing:
Since you contact us, the legal basis for data processing is your (presumed) voluntary consent. You can withdraw your consent at any time, but in this case we will not be able to respond to your request. Withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawful data processing prior to it.
We would like to inform you that the data fields indicated on the individual forms were created based on our experience, during which we ask for the most necessary data to answer the given question. Mandatory fields are marked with a red asterisk.
Data processing time:
Messages and personal data received in this way will be deleted one year after the given request, question or complaint has been answered. However, if, due to the nature of the correspondence, it is necessary for tax law or accounting reasons, or perhaps from the point of view of protecting the rights and interests of the Company or the requester, it will be archived and stored for the necessary period of time, which is examined individually in each case.
2.7 Complaint handling protocol
During the handling of consumer complaints, if you do not agree with the handling of the complaint or the immediate investigation of the complaint is not possible, Collovini Kft. is obliged to record the complaint and its position on it without delay.
The minutes contain the following information:
Name and address of the consumer,
Place, time and method of presenting the complaint
A detailed description of the consumer’s complaint, a list of papers, documents and other evidence presented by the consumer
Collovini Kft.’s statement on its position regarding the consumer’s complaint, if it is possible to immediately investigate the complaint
The signature of the person taking the minutes and – with the exception of verbal complaints communicated by phone or electronically – the signature of the consumer
Place and time of taking the minutes
In the case of a verbal complaint communicated by phone or electronically, the unique identification number of the complaint
Purpose of data processing:
Investigating the complaint and maintaining contact with the complainant.
Legal basis of the data processing:
The paragraph 17/A (7) of the Act CLV of 1997 on Consumer Protection, makes the above data processing mandatory.
Data processing time:
5 years from the recording of the protocol.
If you wish to exercise any of your rights contained in point 1 in relation to the data provided in this way, or if you wish to contact us for any other reason in connection with the above data processing, please let us know by sending an e-mail to the address
2.8 Automatically recorded data, cookies and “remarketing codes”
2.8.1 Automatically recorded data
When you view our website, certain data of your device (e.g. laptop, PC, telephone, tablet) are automatically recorded. Such data is the IP address, the time and date of the visit, the type of browser used, the type of operating system, and the domain name and address of the Internet service provider. The recorded data is automatically logged by the web server serving the website when you view the website without any special declaration or action from you. The system automatically generates statistical data from this data. These data cannot be combined with other personal data, except in cases made mandatory by law. We use this information only in an aggregated and processed form, in order to correct possible errors in our services, to improve their quality, and for statistical purposes.
Purpose of data processing:
Technical development of the IT system, control of the operation of the service and preparation of statistics. In case of abuse, the data can also be used to determine the source of the abuse in cooperation with the visitors’ internet service provider and the authorities.
Legal basis of the data processing:
Based on paragraph 13/A (3) of Act CVIII of 2001 on certain issues of electronic commerce services and information society services, it is a requirement for providing the service.
Data processing time: 30 days from viewing the website.
2.8.2. Cookies and similar technologies.
What is a Cookie?
A cookie is a small text file that is stored on the hard drive of the computer or mobile device for the expiration time set in the cookie and is activated (reports back to the web server) on subsequent visits. The websites use cookies with the purpose of recording information related to the visit (pages visited, time spent on the pages, browsing data, exits, etc.), as well as personal settings, but these data cannot be associated with the person of the visitor. This tool helps create a user-friendly website to enhance the visitors’ online experience.
On other platforms – where cookies are not available or cannot be used – other technologies can be used, the purpose of which is similar to that of cookies: for example, the advertising ID used on Android mobile devices.
There are two types of cookies: “session cookies” and “permanent cookies”.
“Session cookies” are stored by the computer, notebook or mobile device only temporarily, until you leave the given website; these cookies help the system to remember information so that you do not have to enter or fill in that information repeatedly. The validity period of session cookies is limited to the user’s current session, their purpose is to prevent data loss (for example, when filling out a longer form). This type of cookie is automatically deleted from the visitor’s computer at the end of the session or by closing the browser.
“Persistent cookies” are stored on the computer, notebook or mobile device even after leaving the website. With the help of these cookies, the website recognizes you as a returning visitor. Persistent cookies are suitable for identifying you through the server-side identifier – user matching, so in all cases where user authentication is essential – e.g. online store, netbank, webmail – they are the necessary conditions for correct operation. Persistent cookies do not carry personal data by themselves and are only suitable for identifying the user together with the matching stored in the server’s database. The risk of such cookies is that they do not actually identify the user, but the browser, that is, if someone is in a public place, e.g. enters an online store in an internet cafe or library and does not exit when leaving, then another person using the same computer may gain unauthorized access to the given web store in the name of the original user.
How can I enable or disable cookies?
Most Internet browsers automatically accept cookies, but visitors have the option to delete or reject them. Since every browser is different, you can set your cookie preferences individually using your browser’s toolbar. If you do not wish to allow any cookies from our website, you can change your web browser settings so that you are notified of cookies being sent, or you can simply reject all cookies. However, you can also delete the cookies stored on your computer or mobile device at any time. For more information on settings, see your browser’s Help. Please note that if you decide to disable cookies, you will have to opt out of certain website functions.
What cookies do we use?
1. Essential tools for the operation of the website:
Such cookies are essential for the proper functioning of the website, so in this case the legal basis for data processing is Act CVIII of 2001, Section 13/A. (3) on certain issues of electronic commercial services and services related to the information society. No data is transmitted.
a) Aid to fill in the data sheets
Purpose of data processing: It helps you fill in the data sheets by suggesting in advance what seems appropriate for you.
Data processing time: lasts for the duration of your stay on the website
b) It helps in the search
Purpose of data processing: It helps you find what you’re looking for the fastest
Data processing time: lasts for the duration of your stay on the website
c) Spell checker
Purpose of data processing: Automatically corrects suspected typos
Data processing time: lasts for the duration of your stay on the website
d) Identification of language setting:
Purpose of data processing: During your visit to the website, the system uses a standard cookie to identify you as a unique user in order to remember your language settings.
Data processing time: This setting (cookie) is stored for 29 days.
e) Social network cookie (Facebook, Instagram, Google+, Youtube)
Purpose of data processing: This cookie enables the content of the website to be shared.
Data processing time: We store this cookie until it is shared.
You can read more about Facebook in point 2.
f) Multimedia player (youtube)
Purpose of data processing: This cookie enables you to play the videos on the website.
Data processing time: This cookie is stored for the duration of playback.
2. Cookies that collect statistical data
These cookies only collect statistical data, so they do not process personal data. During their operation, they monitor how you use the website, which topics you view, what you click on, how you scroll the website, which pages you visit. However, it only collects information anonymously. This way we can find out, for example, how many visitors the page has per month. These statistical data also help adapt our site to user needs. Google Tag Manager (and Google Analytics) and Hotjar help collect such data.
3. Marketing cookies:
The data processing purpose of such cookies is to send personalized advertisements.
Legal basis of the data processing: In all cases, it is your consent, which you grant in a pop-up window on the website. You can withdraw your consent at any time, but the withdrawal does not affect the legal data processing that preceded it. In the event of withdrawal, advertisements designed for you will not appear on other platforms.
a) Categorization according to the place of the visit,
Data processing time: 269 days
b) Personalized Facebook offers
Time of data processing: maximum 180 days
c) Monitoring clicks on Hotel Pannonia hotel advertisements
Data processing time: 2 years
If you wish to exercise any of your rights contained in point 1 in relation to the above, or wish to contact us for any other reason in connection with the above data processing, please let us know by sending an e-mail to the address
2.8.3. References and links
Our website may also contain links that are not operated by Collovini Kft. and are only for the information of visitors. The Company has no influence whatsoever on the content and security of websites operated by partner companies, so it is not responsible for them. Please review the data processing information of the pages you visit before entering your data in any form on that page.
2.9 Personnel
The information contained in this information sheet, as well as the rights described in point 1, also apply to the employees of Collovini Kft., as well as to the processing of their data.
We inform our employees directly about the contents of our Privacy Statement for Employees and the details of the processing of their personal data.
2.10 Business relationship
Like most companies, our Company maintains a business relationship with some employees of other organizations, whose names, business position and contact information we store.
Purpose of data processing:
In all cases, such data storage is carried out with the consent of the person concerned, so that our companies can communicate for the purpose of cooperation.
Legal basis of the data processing:
The legal basis of our data processing activity is “the legitimate interest related to the fulfillment of the contract or the relationship between the companies”.
We store the contact information of these business contacts solely for the purpose of facilitating the establishment and maintenance of business cooperation with their companies. For example, we do not carry out marketing activities towards these contacts using their data, and we do not pass them on to third parties.
Data processing time:
We check the contact information of our business contacts at least once a year and remove those that are no longer up-to-date from the system.
We act in the same way as above when processing the personal data of members of the press.
3) Legal references (including contact details)
As the data controller of the personal data it uses, Collovini Kft. is obliged to publish information about its official name, contact information and other data in accordance with the GDPR. This section contains all the information required by the GDPR.
The full official name of the legal entities operating Hotel Pannonia:
Full legal name: Collovini Vendéglátóipari, Ingatlanforgalmi és Utazási Iroda
Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság
Abbreviated name: Collovini Kft.
Registered office: 3525 Miskolc, Kossuth u. 2.
Postal address: 3525 Miskolc, Kossuth u. 2.
Registry Court: Miskolci Törvényszék Cégbírósága
Company registration number: 05-09-002299
Tax number: 11064040-2-05
Represented by: Barkó Tivadarné
Privacy officer: Gabriella Szabó
Phone number: +36-46-504-980, +36-46-504-982
e-mail address:
Activity: hotel operation and services
Hotel operated by Collovini Kft.:
Hotel (marketing) name: Hotel Pannonia
Address: 3525 Miskolc, Kossuth u. 2.
Phone number: +36-46-504-980, +36-46-504-982
Fax: +36-46-504-984
Cell phone: +36 70 61 81 908
4) Terms and abbreviations used in this Privacy Statement:
Most of the definitions are based on the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This is a legal document, so the same content cannot be reproduced simply and briefly. Our goal here is to provide a clear explanation that makes the text easier to understand; this sometimes precludes detailing the full legal definition. According to the policy of Collovini Kft., we fully comply with the requirements of the GDPR, and your rights are not impaired by the fact that the explanation provided here has been simplified.
Term or abbreviation
Data controller:
The legal organization determining the processing of personal data.
Data subject:
A person living in the EU or outside the EU who is associated with an organization operating in the EU. Such an individual is considered a “data subject” and has rights under the GDPR when processing his or her own data.
The European Union
The EU General Data Protection Regulation, which entered into force on May 25, 2018.
Personal data:
Any information about an individual that enables identification through a number of methods, including but not limited to:
The individual’s name, identification number, address, mother’s birth name, or
one or more factors that specifically refer to an individual’s physical, physiological, genetic, intellectual, economic, cultural or social identity.
Data processing:
Any operation or set of operations performed on personal data, whether automatically or not, including but not limited to:
Collecting, recording, organizing, segmenting, storing, transforming or changing, querying, viewing, using, transmitting, distributing, harmonizing, limiting, deleting or destroying data
Data processor:
The legal entity that processes personal data on behalf of the data controller.
Automatic processing that uses personal data to analyze or make predictions about an individual’s work performance, economic situation, health, personal preferences, interests, reliability, behaviour, location or movements.
Coding or maintaining personal data in a different way that cannot be linked to a specific data subject without providing additional information. Additional information must be stored separately and protected from unauthorized use by technical and organizational measures.
Very strict restrictions apply to the processing of personal data belonging to “special categories”. These are as follow:
Special categories of data:
Data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinion, religious or philosophical views or trade union membership,
Processing of genetic data and biometric data for the purpose of unique identification of the individual, data relating to health or the person’s sex life or sexual orientation, or
Data relating to the determination of criminal liability
Supervisory authority:
An EU member state can set up an independent public body to monitor the application of the GDPR and, if necessary, to intervene to protect the rights of individuals under the GDPR
Third country:
Any country outside the EU
Data transfer:
Transfer of personal data from the data controller or data processor to a legal entity outside the EU.